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Saturday, November 14, 2015

What To Do If Your Lead Investor Asks For ESOP

 As valuations continue to rise, early stage VCs are getting more “creative” with their deal structuring. In particular, I’ve seen a rise in requests for ESOP shares to be allocated to lead investors for their “value added services.” It’s common to give ESOP to advisors for their value add, so why not investors? Read More http://ift.tt/1MJpBGK What To Do If Your Lead Investor Asks For ESOP http://ift.tt/1Nx3z...

2016 Will Be The Year Of The Sales Stack

 Selling is a competitive sport, and quota-seeking salespeople are the athletes of that sport: They are scored and compared, there are frontrunners and underdogs and there are winners and losers. Confronted by today’s more informed customer who has readily available competitive, pricing and rating data, salespeople are facing unprecedented pressure to perform — they are expected to… Read More http://ift.tt/1LfGdjV 2016 Will Be The Year Of The Sales Stack http://ift.tt/1NSVU...

Review: Brilliant Bicycle, A Bike That Thinks Outside The Box

 When my Brilliant Bicycle arrived in the mail last week, I had a minor epiphany: I’ve never actually purchased a bike on my own before. When I was young my parents chose my bike, and though I spent a few months on a borrowed bike in Europe, I have very little knowledge when it comes to making bike-based purchasing decisions. Sure, some folks have been cyclists since before the… Read More http://ift.tt/1loDAYk Review: Brilliant Bicycle, A Bike That Thinks Outside The Box http://ift.tt/1MdSc...

Evernote’s Freshly Minted COO Linda Kozlowski Is Leaving The Company

{rss:content:encoded} Evernote’s Freshly Minted COO Linda Kozlowski Is Leaving The Company http://ift.tt/1RVqqw6 http://ift.tt/1BY2app November 14, 2015 at 04:05PM  Evernote made a name for itself as the platform where you could store your ideas and notes for life, and beyond. But the same permanence does not apply to the people who work there. We’ve confirmed through multiple sources that Linda Kozlowski, Evernote’s COO, has put in her notice and will be leaving the company by the end of this year. It’s the latest in a series...

Friday, November 13, 2015

Tech Infrastructure In The Developing World

 More than a billion people do not have access to cellular networks, three billion people live without phones and five billion people do without Internet access. While billions became connected to phone and Internet networks over the past decade, huge numbers of people are still underserved by these networks. The existing telecom and Internet infrastructure faces a tremendous challenge in… Read More http://ift.tt/1lo5WC4 Tech Infrastructure In The Developing World http://ift.tt/1HP7L...

Influencer Marketing Startup Mavrck Raises $5M

 Mavrck, a startup that helps marketers recruit customers to create promotional content, has raised $5 million in Series A funding. There are plenty of other companies working on influencer marketing, but Mavrck co-founder and CEO Lyle Stevens said they usually identify influencers without helping brands “activate” them, or they’re focused on how to… Read More http://ift.tt/1N2pUhN Influencer Marketing Startup Mavrck Raises $5M http://ift.tt/1N2qc...

Influencer Marketing Startup Mavrck Raises $5M

 Mavrck, a startup that helps marketers recruit customers to create promotional content, has raised $5 million in Series A funding. There are plenty of other companies working on influencer marketing, but Mavrck co-founder and CEO Lyle Stevens said they usually identify influencers without helping brands “activate” them, or they’re focused on how to… Read More from TechCrunch » Social http://ift.tt/1N2pUhN Influencer Marketing Startup Mavrck Raises $5M Anthony Ha http://ift.tt/1N2qcW2 via IFT...

How “Failing Forward” Can End In A Lawsuit

 Can you imagine a world where an entrepreneur could be sued for refusing to give up? A world where starting over could attract a lawsuit? We live in that world. It has happened before, and it will happen again. Startups die, but the entrepreneurial spirit dies hard. After a failure, some founders may want to work on an entirely new project, but others refuse to let go, and give the same… Read More http://ift.tt/1BmCBMS How “Failing Forward” Can End In A Lawsuit http://ift.tt/1QmEo...

Snapchat Now Sells Selfie Lenses For $1

{rss:content:encoded} Snapchat Now Sells Selfie Lenses For $1 http://ift.tt/1NQLK6J http://ift.tt/1USQBJt November 13, 2015 at 09:36PM  Snapchat recently launched selfie lenses after acquiring Looksery. Every day, a new lens is added and an old one is removed from the current lineup of seven. The company now also showcases around 30 other lenses that you can buy for 99 cents and keep forever. Read More ...

Apple’s App Store Gets A Smarter Search Engine

{rss:content:encoded} Apple’s App Store Gets A Smarter Search Engine http://ift.tt/1Sq2lO5 http://ift.tt/1OJcXKc November 13, 2015 at 09:20PM  A number of mobile app developers and industry observers recently noticed a significant change in the way the App Store’s search algorithms are returning results. Following a series of shifts that took place beginning on November 3rd, developers say that app search results now appear to be more intelligent, and far more relevant – especially among the top results – than in… Read More ...

Let’s Have A Chat About Virtual Reality

 “Virtual reality” according to Wikipedia: Virtual reality (VR), which can be referred to as immersive multimedia or computer-simulated life, replicates an environment that simulates physical presence in places in the real world or imagined worlds and lets the user interact in that world. Virtual realities artificially creates sensory experiences, which can include sight, hearing… Read More from TechCrunch » Social http://ift.tt/1PrXm1C Let’s Have A Chat About Virtual Reality Drew Olanoff http://ift.tt/1LedLiv via IFT...

Let’s Have A Chat About Virtual Reality

 “Virtual reality” according to Wikipedia: Virtual reality (VR), which can be referred to as immersive multimedia or computer-simulated life, replicates an environment that simulates physical presence in places in the real world or imagined worlds and lets the user interact in that world. Virtual realities artificially creates sensory experiences, which can include sight, hearing… Read More http://ift.tt/1PrXm1C Let’s Have A Chat About Virtual Reality http://ift.tt/1LedL...

Watchwith Raises $8M For Its In-Program Video Ads

 Watchwith, a startup offering an alternative to the standard pre-roll and mid-roll ads that delay or interrupt online videos, has raised $8 million in Series B funding. The company says its technology can analyze the content of a video, then use that data to find the right moments to place “interactive overlay” ads. So instead of interrupting a video, these ads just sit… Read More http://ift.tt/1H0F6Ka Watchwith Raises $8M For Its In-Program Video Ads http://ift.tt/1Y9pm...

Digg Raises $4M Series A From Betaworks Backer Digital Garage

 More interesting developments for Digg, the Internet curation site founded way back in 2004 that was acquired and relaunched by Betaworks in 2012. The site has announced a “Series A” of $4 million, and it has named its COO Gary Liu as new CEO, effective immediately. This is essentially Digg’s second Series A — the company in its previously independent state had… Read More http://ift.tt/1HNclLx Digg Raises $4M Series A From Betaworks Backer Digital Garage http://ift.tt/1MbX8...

Digg Raises $4M Series A From Betaworks Backer Digital Garage

 More interesting developments for Digg, the Internet curation site founded way back in 2004 that was acquired and relaunched by Betaworks in 2012. The site has announced a “Series A” of $4 million, and it has named its COO Gary Liu as new CEO, effective immediately. This is essentially Digg’s second Series A — the company in its previously independent state had… Read More from TechCrunch » Social http://ift.tt/1HNclLx Digg Raises $4M Series A From Betaworks Backer Digital Garage Ingrid Lunden http://ift.tt/1MbX8I2 via IFT...

Google Crowdsources Business Listing Corrections, Map Edits With Expanded Local Guides Program

{rss:content:encoded} Google Crowdsources Business Listing Corrections, Map Edits With Expanded Local Guides Program http://ift.tt/1OIMBYy http://ift.tt/1LdUMEM November 13, 2015 at 05:29PM  Google today is expanding its Local Guides program – the company’s answer to Yelp’s Elites, which encourages and rewards users for providing information on area businesses, including reviews, photos, and other details. That program has now received a significant update involving a new points system that allows guides to also earn points by correcting...

Varsity Tutors Raises $50 Million In Series B

 Varsity Tutors, the platform that connects elite tutors with students, has just closed a $50 million Series B funding round led by Technology Crossover Ventures and Adam Levine, frontman for Maroon 5 and judge on The Voice, as well as education executive Stuart Udell. Varsity Tutors is based out of St. Louis and looks to pair students with the most brilliant tutors available — folks… Read More http://ift.tt/1NuWq6z Varsity Tutors Raises $50 Million In Series B http://ift.tt/1NQ0g...

Today Is The Final Day To Save £400 On Disrupt London Tickets

 We’ve extended the deadline, you’ve procrastinated. That’s okay, but now is the time to act as today is the last day to get early bird tickets to Disrupt London before the price jumps from £800 to £1,200 tomorrow. Seriously, no more extensions will be offered, so drop what you’re doing and head on over to the Disrupt London ticketing page to get your tickets to the… Read More http://ift.tt/1OZRgFw Today Is The Final Day To Save £400 On Disrupt London Tickets http://ift.tt/1NubM...

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Pressure In Congress Grows For GPS Tracking Reform After Supreme Court Passes On Cell Phone Case

{rss:content:encoded} Pressure In Congress Grows For GPS Tracking Reform After Supreme Court Passes On Cell Phone Case http://ift.tt/1lmmD0E http://ift.tt/1PpQctb November 13, 2015 at 01:42AM  Senators and House representatives this week are calling on Congress to act on bills that would limit location tracking and phone surveillance after the Supreme Court decided not to hear a cell phone case earlier this week. The justices on Monday declined to review a federal court’s decision from earlier this year that police do not need a warrant to...

NextBank Aims To Be The First All-Bitcoin Financial Institution

 Woe betide traditional banking because Dimitry Voloshinskiy and his team are on the prowl. Voloshinskiy is the founder of the NextBank Project, an attempt to create a truly bitcoin-based bank. The team has raised $950,000 so far using personal money and angels and they hope to attract more. What is a BTC bank? First, they’re looking to attract the bitcoin crowd. “We are a 100%… Read More http://ift.tt/1ajbBUi NextBank Aims To Be The First All-Bitcoin Financial Institution http://ift.tt/1LcI5...

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