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Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Best Pros Won’t Work For You, But You Can Still Engage Them

 Recruiting is one of the top jobs for any executive or entrepreneur. Talent is the lifeblood of your company; let it drain away, and you die. Unfortunately, that lifeblood is in very short supply — and it’s about to get worse. Here’s why. Read More http://ift.tt/1ivGHvv The Best Pros Won’t Work For You, But You Can Still Engage Them http://ift.tt/1P3Hi...

Stitch Is A Social Network For Seniors

 The winner of a recent TC Radio Pitch-Off contest, Stitch is a social network designed for those over 50 years old. Headquartered in Australia, the site is designed to help members find friends, romantic companionship, or just new activities to try. Marcie Rogo, cofounder of Stitch, explained that “many older adults have lots of things they want to do, but nobody to do them with.… Read More http://ift.tt/1RFFkpR Stitch Is A Social Network For Seniors http://ift.tt/1RkAG...

Stitch Is A Social Network For Seniors

 The winner of a recent TC Radio Pitch-Off contest, Stitch is a social network designed for those over 50 years old. Headquartered in Australia, the site is designed to help members find friends, romantic companionship, or just new activities to try. Marcie Rogo, cofounder of Stitch, explained that “many older adults have lots of things they want to do, but nobody to do them with.… Read More from TechCrunch » Social http://ift.tt/1RFFkpR Stitch Is A Social Network For Seniors Fitz Tepper http://ift.tt/1RkAGOk via IFT...

Can Civil Comments Kill The Internet Troll?

 To paraphrase an oft seen Internet trollism, ‘Internet comments are the worst thing since Hitler’. By which I mean: they suck. They suck bad. No, they really suck. The problem we have right now with Internet comments is clear: negativity and nastiness is burying or discouraging everything else. Read More from TechCrunch » Social http://ift.tt/1LIOaSx Can Civil Comments Kill The Internet Troll? Natasha Lomas http://ift.tt/1WpJFPv via IFT...

Can Civil Comments Kill The Internet Troll?

 To paraphrase an oft seen Internet trollism, ‘Internet comments are the worst thing since Hitler’. By which I mean: they suck. They suck bad. No, they really suck. The problem we have right now with Internet comments is clear: negativity and nastiness is burying or discouraging everything else. Read More http://ift.tt/1LIOaSx Can Civil Comments Kill The Internet Troll? http://ift.tt/1WpJF...

Friday, October 30, 2015

Our 9 Favorite Companies From 500 Startups “Demo-Ween”

 500 Startups today presented its 14th batch of companies at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, with a spooky twist. Dave McClure said this batch was less international than previous batches, with only 39% of founders hailing from outside the United States. Of the 36 startups that went through the program, 25% had female founders. He made no mention of people of color.… Read More from TechCrunch » Social http://ift.tt/1WmiTg8 Our 9 Favorite Companies From 500 Startups “Demo-Ween” Megan Rose Dickey,Drew Olanoff,Cat...

Our 9 Favorite Companies From 500 Startups “Demo-Ween”

 500 Startups today presented its 14th batch of companies at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, with a spooky twist. Dave McClure said this batch was less international than previous batches, with only 39% of founders hailing from outside the United States. Of the 36 startups that went through the program, 25% had female founders. He made no mention of people of color.… Read More http://ift.tt/1WmiTg8 Our 9 Favorite Companies From 500 Startups “Demo-Ween” http://ift.tt/1M1C8...

In A Rare Move, Apple Discounts The Apple Watch With New iPhone Purchases (In Some Stores)

{rss:content:encoded} In A Rare Move, Apple Discounts The Apple Watch With New iPhone Purchases (In Some Stores) http://ift.tt/1Hhx7CR http://ift.tt/1Hhx7CT October 30, 2015 at 10:20PM  Outside of the deals they give students and the occasional Black Friday hook up, Apple isn’t exactly known for throwing around discounts. So here’s a wild one: Apple is experimenting with giving people $50 discounts on Apple Watches if they buy one at the same time as a new iPhone 6s or 6s Plus. Read More ...

Monclarity Raises $5M And Launches Its Brain-Training App Brainwell

{rss:content:encoded} Monclarity Raises $5M And Launches Its Brain-Training App Brainwell http://ift.tt/1Oeijg2 http://ift.tt/1M1xNOW October 30, 2015 at 11:20PM  Startup Monclarity announced today that it has raised $5 million in seed funding from Access Industries. And it recently unveiled Brainwell, a brain-training app available on iOS, Android, Kindle and the web. Now, there’s been a lot of skepticism around brain-training games like Lumosity, particularly after a recent study of the existing research found that these games may improve…...

Monclarity Raises $5M And Launches Its Brain-Training App Brainwell

 Startup Monclarity announced today that it has raised $5 million in seed funding from Access Industries. And it recently unveiled Brainwell, a brain-training app available on iOS, Android, Kindle and the web. Now, there’s been a lot of skepticism around brain-training games like Lumosity, particularly after a recent study of the existing research found that these games may improve… Read More http://ift.tt/1M1xNOW Monclarity Raises $5M And Launches Its Brain-Training App Brainwell http://ift.tt/1Oeij...

Sacca To Shark Tank: “I Will Not And Cannot Do It If I Have To Wear A Suit”

 If you’re not familiar with Shark Tank, it’s ABC’s show that drops companies in front of investors from all walks of life, including the very loud Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks. It’s oddly become a family favorite for a lot of people I know, mostly because they get to shout at the TV and make predictions on whether someone will invest or not, or talk about… Read More from TechCrunch » Social http://ift.tt/1WosRID Sacca To Shark Tank: “I Will Not And Cannot Do It If I Have To Wear A Suit” Drew Olanoff http://ift.tt/1GBBs98 via...

Forget Self-Destructing Messages, Buzz’s New App Offers Self-Destructing Connections

 Today, there are a variety of apps to choose from if you just want to privately chat with friends or even place phone calls without having to give out your real phone number – for example, Google Voice, Burner, kik, Viber, Whatsapp and others are popular choices. But these apps aren’t fully private. Users still have to provide a phone number or email when creating an account, or,… Read More from TechCrunch » Social http://ift.tt/1NFCeBr Forget Self-Destructing Messages, Buzz’s New App Offers Self-Destructing Connections Sarah Perez http://ift.tt/1GBBnT4 via...

Legion Analytics Offers A Pandora-Style Interface For Finding Sales Leads

 The founders of Legion Analytics say they’re offering a better way for salespeople to find new customers. The startup is part of Y Combinator’s new fellowship system, an eight-week program for “very, very early” stage companies who receive a $12,000 grant and fly in for office hours and mentorship. What’s wrong with the current lead generation process? CTO… Read More http://ift.tt/1PUMusZ Legion Analytics Offers A Pandora-Style Interface For Finding Sales Leads http://ift.tt/1XEXv...

Sacca To Shark Tank: “I Will Not And Cannot Do It If I Have To Wear A Suit”

 If you’re not familiar with Shark Tank, it’s ABC’s show that drops companies in front of investors from all walks of life, including the very loud Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks. It’s oddly become a family favorite for a lot of people I know, mostly because they get to shout at the TV and make predictions on whether someone will invest or not, or talk about… Read More http://ift.tt/1WosRID Sacca To Shark Tank: “I Will Not And Cannot Do It If I Have To Wear A Suit” http://ift.tt/1GBBs...

Forget Self-Destructing Messages, Buzz’s New App Offers Self-Destructing Connections

 Today, there are a variety of apps to choose from if you just want to privately chat with friends or even place phone calls without having to give out your real phone number – for example, Google Voice, Burner, kik, Viber, Whatsapp and others are popular choices. But these apps aren’t fully private. Users still have to provide a phone number or email when creating an account, or,… Read More http://ift.tt/1NFCeBr Forget Self-Destructing Messages, Buzz’s New App Offers Self-Destructing Connections http://ift.tt/1GBBn...

Forget Self-Destructing Messages, Buzz’s New App Offers Self-Destructing Connections

{rss:content:encoded} Forget Self-Destructing Messages, Buzz’s New App Offers Self-Destructing Connections http://ift.tt/1GBBnT4 http://ift.tt/1NFCeBr October 30, 2015 at 05:52PM  Today, there are a variety of apps to choose from if you just want to privately chat with friends or even place phone calls without having to give out your real phone number – for example, Google Voice, Burner, kik, Viber, Whatsapp and others are popular choices. But these apps aren’t fully private. Users still have to provide a phone number or email when creating...

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Google’s Lack Of Product Isolation Would Support A Chrome OS And Android Merge

{rss:content:encoded} Google’s Lack Of Product Isolation Would Support A Chrome OS And Android Merge http://ift.tt/1Obxwys http://ift.tt/1Hfllcj October 30, 2015 at 03:11AM  Chrome OS, the “cloud” operating system that Google introduced for laptops and Android, the operating system on phones and tablets may become one, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal. The “folding” could happen as early as next year…could be introduced at Google I/O…or not. I’ve personally spoken to sources over the past few years about… Read More ...

Facebook Tests “Local Market,” A Dedicated Buying And Selling Community Powered By Facebook Groups

 A number of Facebook users recently reported seeing a new feature called “Local Market” appearing briefly in their Facebook iPhone app, sometimes in place of the “Messenger” button at the bottom center of the screen. The feature, which is only in testing but not broadly distributed, is a more structured marketplace aimed at buyers and sellers, allowing Facebook users… Read More from TechCrunch » Social http://ift.tt/1iocM8k Facebook Tests “Local Market,” A Dedicated Buying And Selling Community Powered By Facebook Groups Sarah...

Twitter’s Call For Feedback, #HelloWorld, Garners 5,746 Tweets In First Three Days

 During CEO Jack Dorsey’s keynote at Twitter’s developer conference, Flight, the promise was made to developers that there would be more listening and more transparency from the company. Dorsey asked anyone and everyone (especially the 1,500 developers from over 39 countries in attendance) to submit feedback to the company about its product and how it can do better using the… Read More from TechCrunch » Social http://ift.tt/1M0ou1y Twitter’s Call For Feedback, #HelloWorld, Garners 5,746 Tweets In First Three Days Drew Olanoff http://ift.tt/1inXmRD via...

More Than A Selfie App, Shots Produces Original Videos With Puppets (And Bieber)

 Shots has been pigeonholed since birth. First it was dismissed as just a startup funded by Justin Bieber. Then it was laughed at for being an app just for selfies. But after 2 years, $15.2 million raised, and almost 10 million sign-ups, Shots refuses to die. In fact, it’s branching out. Today the company released the first of a series of original video content it’s produced… Read More from TechCrunch » Social http://ift.tt/1ObbPia More Than A Selfie App, Shots Produces Original Videos With Puppets (And Bieber) Josh Constine http://ift.tt/1inTVKG via...

More Than A Selfie App, Shots Produces Original Videos With Puppets (And Bieber)

 Shots has been pigeonholed since birth. First it was dismissed as just a startup funded by Justin Bieber. Then it was laughed at for being an app just for selfies. But after 2 years, $15.2 million raised, and almost 10 million sign-ups, Shots refuses to die. In fact, it’s branching out. Today the company released the first of a series of original video content it’s produced… Read More http://ift.tt/1ObbPia More Than A Selfie App, Shots Produces Original Videos With Puppets (And Bieber) http://ift.tt/1inTV...

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