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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Onfleet Has Powered Over 1 Million On-Demand Deliveries

 Onfleet, the company that provides infrastructure for on-demand delivery, recently powered its one millionth delivery. More than half of those deliveries occurred within the last four months, Onfleet CEO Kahled Naim told TechCrunch. Onfleet powers deliveries and logistics for companies like HelloFresh, Meadow, Doughbies, Lugg and others. To be clear, Onfleet does not provide the drivers… Read More http://ift.tt/20ekF4Q Onfleet Has Powered Over 1 Million On-Demand Deliveries http://ift.tt/1Qzyy...

Friday, January 29, 2016

Meet The Startups Vying For The Founder Of The Year Crunchie For 2015

 The 9th Annual Crunchies are almost upon us. On February 8, luminaries from some of the best and brightest startups around will descend upon San Francisco’s War Memorial Opera House to take part in an event that’s best described as the Oscars of startups and technology. And now it’s time to take a look at the Founder of the Year nominees. Read More http://ift.tt/1SPccRe Meet The Startups Vying For The Founder Of The Year Crunchie For 2015 http://ift.tt/1JNNt...

Delivery Startup Doorman Adds Support For E-Commerce Returns

 Doorman can be a useful service for people who hate missing deliveries. Now it can help you get those products in the mail again, too. Rather than coming home from work to find a “missed delivery” slip, Doorman customers can set a delivery time between 6pm and midnight that’s convenient for them (packages get delivered to Doorman first, and then to the consumer). The… Read More http://ift.tt/1MeFmXM Delivery Startup Doorman Adds Support For E-Commerce Returns http://ift.tt/1RRxG...

Snapchat Challenges Twitter And Facebook For Sports Talk

{rss:content:encoded} Snapchat Challenges Twitter And Facebook For Sports Talk http://ift.tt/1P2rnR2 http://ift.tt/1SODAP4 January 29, 2016 at 09:33PM  Possession wins trophies or, in this case, ad dollars. That’s why Snapchat stepped up its game late last year by quietly partnering with Stats.com. Now TechCrunch has learned that Snapchat has rolled new Live Score geofilters at every NBA arena and some other matches. They let anyone attending overlay real-time updated score graphics atop their photos and videos. Just last week, Live… Read...

Snapchat Challenges Twitter And Facebook For Sports Talk

 Possession wins trophies or, in this case, ad dollars. That’s why Snapchat stepped up its game late last year by quietly partnering with Stats.com. Now TechCrunch has learned that Snapchat has rolled new Live Score geofilters at every NBA arena and some other matches. They let anyone attending overlay real-time updated score graphics atop their photos and videos. Just last week, Live… Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/1SODAP4 Snapchat Challenges Twitter And Facebook For Sports Talk Josh Constine http://ift.tt/1P2rnR2 via ...

Snapchat Challenges Twitter And Facebook For Sports Talk

 Possession wins trophies or, in this case, ad dollars. That’s why Snapchat stepped up its game late last year by quietly partnering with Stats.com. Now TechCrunch has learned that Snapchat has rolled new Live Score geofilters at every NBA arena and some other matches. They let anyone attending overlay real-time updated score graphics atop their photos and videos. Just last week, Live… Read More http://ift.tt/1SODAP4 Snapchat Challenges Twitter And Facebook For Sports Talk http://ift.tt/1P2rn...

Beef Twitter

 Why do we allow ourselves to be dragged into pointless, likely fruitless, micro-arguments on Twitter? Is it because the pithy length lends itself to misunderstanding? Perhaps the ego has a hand — no one likes to be called out publicly by peers in the same network, especially when you know everyone you both know can see. Then there’s good old fashioned obstinance. Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/1JHemPY Beef Twitter Matthew Panzarino http://ift.tt/1Kcrdd9 via IFT...

Custom Apparel Shop Teespring Lays Off Staff, Exits Providence

 Following last summer’s restructuring, custom t-shirt shop Teespring has laid off under 10 percent of its workforce, and is shutting down its Providence office entirely. The company had around 300 total employees ahead of the layoffs, but not all those who work in Providence are out of a job, we understand – instead, some have been offered the opportunity to relocate to… Read More http://ift.tt/1EWeFxT Custom Apparel Shop Teespring Lays Off Staff, Exits Providence http://ift.tt/1NFVv...

Twitter’s Jeff Seibert On Startup Lessons Learned From Being Bought By Unicorns Like Twitter And Box

 Last week I had the chance to speak with Jeff Seibert, senior director of product at Twitter and co-founder of Crashlytics (acquired by Twitter for $259 million) and one of the main individuals leading the new guard at Twitter. Read More http://ift.tt/1SfRHxt Twitter’s Jeff Seibert On Startup Lessons Learned From Being Bought By Unicorns Like Twitter And Box http://ift.tt/1KKcj...

Cronofy, The Calendar API Helping Businesses Keep Customer And Staff Diaries In Sync, Scores $1.6M

 Cronofy, the U.K. startup that offers a calendar API to help businesses and their customers synchronise calendars, has raised a $1.6 million seed round led by Firestartr alongside Amsterdam-based venture capital firm henQ. Read More http://ift.tt/20x8FIx Cronofy, The Calendar API Helping Businesses Keep Customer And Staff Diaries In Sync, Scores $1.6M http://ift.tt/1Tr9u...

Windows Phone Is An Ex-Platform

{rss:content:encoded} Windows Phone Is An Ex-Platform http://ift.tt/20axBJh http://ift.tt/1KJFGrY January 29, 2016 at 10:31AM  Microsoft announced its Q2 2016 results yesterday, reporting strong performance for its cloud business and leading to a stock bump in the wake of the news. Its Surface tablet hardware business also performed well. However it’s an entirely different story for the unloved phone-making business — that albatross around Satya Nadella’s neck… Read More ...

Thursday, January 28, 2016

The App Ecosystem’s New Status Quo

{rss:content:encoded} The App Ecosystem’s New Status Quo http://ift.tt/20woQWo http://ift.tt/1HQSfpz January 29, 2016 at 04:00AM  Americans spent more time using smartphone and tablet applications in 2014 than they did mobile and desktop web combined. With nearly four billion smartphones projected to be in use by 2020, the platform shift to mobile is well underway. Read More ...

Apple Acquires Education Startup LearnSprout

{rss:content:encoded} Apple Acquires Education Startup LearnSprout http://ift.tt/1PlIT6k http://ift.tt/1Qw0ac9 January 28, 2016 at 09:38PM  Apple has acquired education-technology startup LearnSprout, Bloomberg reported a bit ago and we have just confirmed. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. LearnSprout is a three-year-old, San Francisco-based software startup whose online data insights help K-12 educators track students’ performances. The company had raised $4.7 million from investors across two rounds, including… Read More ...

Lockscreen App Slidejoy Gets A Newsy New Feature

{rss:content:encoded} Lockscreen App Slidejoy Gets A Newsy New Feature http://ift.tt/1OSV219 http://ift.tt/1OSV3lN January 28, 2016 at 11:49PM  Slidejoy, a startup that rewards users for putting news and advertising on their Android lockscreens, has unveiled a more comprehensive newsreading experience. Co-founder Sanghoon Kwak led the development of the new Trends feature, and he said that previously, if you were reading news on Slidejoy, you saw one article at a time, and they came from about a dozen publishers. Slidejoy Trends,...

Lockscreen App Slidejoy Gets A Newsy New Feature

 Slidejoy, a startup that rewards users for putting news and advertising on their Android lockscreens, has unveiled a more comprehensive newsreading experience. Co-founder Sanghoon Kwak led the development of the new Trends feature, and he said that previously, if you were reading news on Slidejoy, you saw one article at a time, and they came from about a dozen publishers. Slidejoy Trends, on… Read More http://ift.tt/1OSV3lN Lockscreen App Slidejoy Gets A Newsy New Feature http://ift.tt/1OSV2...

Apple Pay Is Coming To ATMs From Bank Of America And Wells Fargo

{rss:content:encoded} Apple Pay Is Coming To ATMs From Bank Of America And Wells Fargo http://ift.tt/209aJtr http://ift.tt/1KdCA4v January 28, 2016 at 10:38PM  Both Bank Of America and Wells Fargo are working on integrating Apple Pay into their ATMs, according to a source familiar with the teams on the projects. Engineers at both companies have been placed on multi-month assignments to build the Apple Pay options. I’ve confirmed the identity of at least one engineer who publicly lists themselves as a Bank Of America employee. Wells… Read...

Shypmate Pays Travelers To Bring Products To Ghana And Nigeria

 Shypmate, which is part of Y Combinator’s Winter 2016 batch, is a quick, low-cost international shipping solution that relies on everyday people to transport items from the U.S. to Ghana and Nigeria. Why Ghana and Nigeria? Well, the founding team (pictured above) has members from both Ghana and Nigeria — two African markets they’re familiar with and have a need for this kind… Read More http://ift.tt/2093SAa Shypmate Pays Travelers To Bring Products To Ghana And Nigeria http://ift.tt/20vIe...

Shryne Backs Up Your Online Relationships And Memories

 A refrain about my generation is that we are too ephemeral and that our memories are too fleeting. Exhibit A: Snapchat. Now, obviously generational complaints are generally bullshit and olds are meant to be ignored, but it’s also not like I just want to forget everything, either. Read More http://ift.tt/1SeeQ3b Shryne Backs Up Your Online Relationships And Memories http://ift.tt/1NDHI...

Inside Parlio: Egyptian Activist Wael Ghonim’s New Platform For Social Change

 Wael Ghonim is an activist who helped spark the Egyptian Revolution, a wave of protests and demonstrations in Egypt that were part of the Arab Spring, and which helped overthrow the long-reigning Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak. Ghonim, who worked for Google at the time, used social media to unite Egyptians and create the movement in his country and was jailed for it. Thanks to social media… Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/1SeivOx Inside Parlio: Egyptian Activist Wael Ghonim’s New Platform For Social Change...

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