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Saturday, February 20, 2016

A Timeline Of Apple’s iPhone Unlocking Fight With The FBI

{rss:content:encoded} A Timeline Of Apple’s iPhone Unlocking Fight With The FBI http://ift.tt/1VvsTza http://ift.tt/1SYLRAJ February 20, 2016 at 11:22PM  After a California judge ordered Apple to unlock the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino terrorists last week, a lot has happened. We’ve summarized the whole Apple vs. FBI saga into one timeline so you can either dig deeper into last week’s events, or just quickly catch your self up. Read More ...

Solving The H-1B Visa Problem

 In this corner: A number of employers, particularly tech companies, who claim they have a large number of unfilled positions and can’t find enough skilled American workers to fill all their needs, and thus need to attract skilled foreign workers through an expanded H-1B visa program. In the opposite corner: Immigration skeptics, including probably every unemployed programmer in the… Read More http://ift.tt/1Q0w5za Solving The H-1B Visa Problem http://ift.tt/1oB8B...

Facebook Now Lets You Use Multiple Accounts On Messenger For Android

{rss:content:encoded} Facebook Now Lets You Use Multiple Accounts On Messenger For Android http://ift.tt/1Q6pN4D http://ift.tt/1oB5jqK February 19, 2016 at 11:14PM Lets say you’ve got kids. They like Messenger for talking with other kids about Minecraft or bubble gum or whatever kids talk about these days. You’re happy to let them use Messenger in the evenings, but they’re not quite old enough for a phone of their own just yet. What to do? Facebook has simplified things a bit, adding support for multiple Messenger accounts on one device. Read More ...

It’s Time For Edtech Entrepreneurs To Throw Out Stale Business Models

 We hear it again and again: The U.S. K-12 education system is in crisis. In its 2015 report, the National Assessment of Educational Progress, otherwise known as “The Nation’s Report Card,” revealed that just one-third of eighth graders and one-quarter of twelfth graders performed at or above “proficient” in math. In reading comprehension, the performance was… Read More http://ift.tt/1oumKIE It’s Time For Edtech Entrepreneurs To Throw Out Stale Business Models http://ift.tt/214Vl...

Friday, February 19, 2016

Where Are They Now? Startup Battlefield Company PageCloud

 The beauty of content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, Wix, Weebly and others is in the ability to create and build a complete website using just your browser. Designers are given the flexibility to make changes to their websites using simple browser-based tools, which means they don’t need to learn desktop tools like Dreamweaver or Photoshop or web programming languages like… Read More http://ift.tt/1KwwlJA Where Are They Now? Startup Battlefield Company PageCloud http://ift.tt/213VM...

The Mobile Electorate

{rss:content:encoded} The Mobile Electorate http://ift.tt/1Okvo1G http://ift.tt/1QpW34w February 20, 2016 at 01:00AM  In 2008, Barack Obama redrafted the electioneering script, becoming the first presidential candidate to use social media as a political channel. His opponents’ failure to grasp the significance of social media proved as catastrophic as Richard Nixon’s dismissive attitude to television in 1960 — an attitude that probably cost him the 1960 election to the more telegenic John F. Read More ...

Extra Early-Bird Tickets To Disrupt NY Extended To February 24

 Don’t ever say we aren’t flexible. You needed a few extra days to commit to clicking the buy button on tickets to Disrupt NY 2016, and we’re happy to give that to you. We’re extending the deadline on our extra early-bird tickets to next Wednesday, February 24, so you have a few extra days to save $200 before early-bird pricing takes effect next week. This is the only… Read More http://ift.tt/1UcYszr Extra Early-Bird Tickets To Disrupt NY Extended To February 24 http://ift.tt/1QpO5...

Announcing The Judges For The TC Pitch-Offs In Boston And Atlanta

 The Pitch-offs in Atlanta and Boston are but a few days away. You already know the stellar companies pitching at our events, but today is the day you find out who will cast judgement on those startups and determine a winner. Without any further ado, here are the judges for the Boston and Atlanta meetups: Boston Gaurav Tuli, F-Prime Capital Gaurav Tuli is a Principal at F-Prime Capital,… Read More http://ift.tt/1VsVTaN Announcing The Judges For The TC Pitch-Offs In Boston And Atlanta http://ift.tt/1TqXe...

Flint Mobile Payments Go Offline, Tells Customers To Use Stripe To Continue Service

{rss:content:encoded} Flint Mobile Payments Go Offline, Tells Customers To Use Stripe To Continue Service http://ift.tt/212K3ey http://ift.tt/1KvkaN0 February 19, 2016 at 01:59PM  The number of startups hoping to break through into the world of payments appears to be shrinking a little bit more. Flint Mobile, a startup backed by the likes of Verizon and True Ventures, has ceased payment operations, and this week it started directing its customers to use Stripe for payments services. The shutdown has been slow and confusing,...

Zenefits Stumbles Into PayPal’s Old Drama

 The tech world was stunned last week when Zenefits — the unicorn that had once been called “the fastest growing SaaS business in history”– announced that its founding CEO Parker Conrad was leaving the company and that it was under investigation in California. The company cited regulatory compliance problems as a factor in the decision. Read More http://ift.tt/1WwdDlV Zenefits Stumbles Into PayPal’s Old Drama http://ift.tt/1RSrA...

Skedaddle Is Using On-Demand Charter Busses To Fix Long-Distance Travel

 While Uber and Lyft now have a glorified monopoly on intracity transportation, there is still a need for a safe, reliable transportation option that can disrupt longer distance trip providers like Greyhound and Amtrak. That’s where Skedaddle comes in. While only founded a few months ago, the NY-based startup has already moved over 45,000 people between major cities by letting users… Read More http://ift.tt/1oswlzV Skedaddle Is Using On-Demand Charter Busses To Fix Long-Distance Travel http://ift.tt/1Vs0C...

Study Of ISIS Extremists On Twitter Suggests Repeat Account Suspensions Do Take A Toll

 A study of ISIS supporter activity on Twitter suggests the tactic of repeat account suspensions can take a toll on the spread of extremist propaganda on the platform. Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/1SWbTVl Study Of ISIS Extremists On Twitter Suggests Repeat Account Suspensions Do Take A Toll Natasha Lomas http://ift.tt/1SWbT7E via IFT...

Extra Early-Bird Pricing On Disrupt NY Tickets Ends Today

 You’ve procrastinated long enough, tech fans. Today is the day to get your deeply discounted tickets to Disrupt NY 2016 for $1,795 each before the rate jumps to $1,995 tomorrow. You’re already planning on heading to Disrupt NY anyway, so what the heck are you waiting for? Head on over to our ticketing page now to secure your spot at the cheapest possible price point and save yourself… Read More http://ift.tt/1Uc4X5v Extra Early-Bird Pricing On Disrupt NY Tickets Ends Today http://ift.tt/1XBDH...

Join Us Wednesday In Barcelona For A Mini-Meetup And Pitch-Off During MWC

 Hello startup friends! We’re less than a week away from our annual mini-meetup in the beautiful city of Barcelona. Needless to say that we’re very excited to meet you. So whether you’re attending MWC or not, you should come, have a drink and say hi on Wednesday, February 24 near Sagrada Família . Read More http://ift.tt/1CkLxPh Join Us Wednesday In Barcelona For A Mini-Meetup And Pitch-Off During MWC http://ift.tt/1PVWk...

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Shine Signs First European Carriers To Its Network-Level Ad Blocking Tech

{rss:content:encoded} Shine Signs First European Carriers To Its Network-Level Ad Blocking Tech http://ift.tt/1TpHmxq http://ift.tt/1RhdG6G February 19, 2016 at 08:00AM  The ad-blocking wars are stepping up a gear today as mobile network-level ad blocker startup Shine has announced it’s signed its first European carriers to roll out its tech. Read More ...

Anyline Raises €1.5M To Let You Add Optical Character Recognition To Your App

 Anyline, the Austrian startup that provides mobile OCR tech to enable developers to add text recognition to their own apps, has raised €1.5 million in funding. The list of investors is interesting, too. Read More http://ift.tt/1KYGDSx Anyline Raises €1.5M To Let You Add Optical Character Recognition To Your App http://ift.tt/1mLin...

Imgur Gets Its Sheryl, Hires COO So Founder Can Nerd Out On Product

{rss:content:encoded} Imgur Gets Its Sheryl, Hires COO So Founder Can Nerd Out On Product http://ift.tt/1ovwqmZ http://ift.tt/21c4diC February 19, 2016 at 12:54AM  Imgur is Internet dude paradise. The underhyped image sharing and commenting community has 150 million active users and saw 900 billion page views in 2015. Thanks to silly GIFs, science experiments, cute cats, and crazy inside jokes, Imgur has become the #1 web destination for millenial men according to comScore. Now it’s time to turn the adoration of that army of guys...

From Food To Flowers: The Push For Supply Chain Transparency

 Try to figure out exactly where fresh products come from in a grocery store. The stickers may say “Mexico” or “Colombia,” but those are big places, and labels like this don’t give much insight. Research online; the information isn’t there. Try with a few other products, and you’re likely to find the same thing. Companies are not always forthcoming… Read More http://ift.tt/1KYpJDI From Food To Flowers: The Push For Supply Chain Transparency http://ift.tt/1mKZJ...

Imgur Gets Its Sheryl, Hires COO So Founder Can Nerd Out On Product

 Imgur is Internet dude paradise. The underhyped image sharing and commenting community has 150 million active users and saw 900 billion page views in 2015. Thanks to silly GIFs, science experiments, cute cats, and crazy inside jokes, Imgur has become the #1 web destination for millenial men according to comScore. Now it’s time to turn the adoration of that army of guys into a real… Read More http://ift.tt/21c4diC Imgur Gets Its Sheryl, Hires COO So Founder Can Nerd Out On Product http://ift.tt/1ovwq...

Digital Payments Startup ModoPayments Raises $2 Million

 Today, The Dallas Business Journal is reporting that ModoPayments completed a $2 Million funding round by a group of individual angels that includes Tim Keith, John Beletic, and Jay Kassing among others. We first reported on ModoPayments way back in 2011 but a lot has changed since those salad days for the Richardson, TX startup. Read More http://ift.tt/1ovwqmS Digital Payments Startup ModoPayments Raises $2 Million http://ift.tt/1QoVU...

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