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Saturday, August 13, 2016

The story of Naked Wines

If you’re a big fan of wine but still want to run a startup, there may not be that much innovation you can get away with on the product side. Wine, when all is said and done, is still wine. That doesn’t mean you can’t turn the industry inside out by turning the traditional winery business model on its head — and that’s exactly what Naked Wines did. I decided to have… Read More http://ift.tt/eA8V8J The story of Naked Wines http://ift.tt/2aQLF...

Friday, August 12, 2016

A prescription for preventing 3D printing piracy

 In the year 2000, the music business was still strong. Record companies produced albums and shipped these physical objects to the stores that sold them. The internet was slowly becoming a system of mass consumption and distribution, but the majority of consumers still purchased physical media. And while the record industry was aware of piracy online, the threat seemed minimal. Then came Napster. Read More http://ift.tt/2botpiP A prescription for preventing 3D printing piracy http://ift.tt/2boEl...

Gurbaksh Chahal sentenced to a year in jail

 A San Francisco judge has sentenced former RadiumOne and Gravity4 CEO Gurbaksh Chahal to 12 months in county jail. However, the judge also granted a stay on the sentence pending an appeal from Chahal’s lawyer, according to Bloomberg’s Ellen Huet. After being accused of attacking a woman in his apartment, Chahal pled guilty to misdemeanor battery charges — a deal that… Read More http://ift.tt/2a2h5G0 Gurbaksh Chahal sentenced to a year in jail http://ift.tt/2aO1S...

Music video app Triller becomes a social network

 Mobile app Triller isn’t just a simple way to make music videos anymore — it recently added social features that allow users to follow other users and explore their videos. I should probably back up a second and explain what Triller is. It’s an iPhone and Android app that allows you to create a video by taking a snippet of your favorite song, adding a video filter and… Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/2aPw03t Music video app Triller becomes a social network Anthony Ha http://ift.tt/2bdDgLS via IFT...

Music video app Triller becomes a social network

{rss:content:encoded} Music video app Triller becomes a social network http://ift.tt/2bdDgLS http://ift.tt/2aPw03t August 13, 2016 at 12:23AM  Mobile app Triller isn’t just a simple way to make music videos anymore — it recently added social features that allow users to follow other users and explore their videos. I should probably back up a second and explain what Triller is. It’s an iPhone and Android app that allows you to create a video by taking a snippet of your favorite song, adding a video filter and… Read More ...

Music video app Triller becomes a social network

 Mobile app Triller isn’t just a simple way to make music videos anymore — it recently added social features that allow users to follow other users and explore their videos. I should probably back up a second and explain what Triller is. It’s an iPhone and Android app that allows you to create a video by taking a snippet of your favorite song, adding a video filter and… Read More http://ift.tt/2aPw03t Music video app Triller becomes a social network http://ift.tt/2bdDg...

Facebook’s next big platform: Your camera

{rss:content:encoded} Facebook’s next big platform: Your camera http://ift.tt/2aNwlE5 http://ift.tt/2aZqpeq August 12, 2016 at 09:02PM  Facebook can’t build everything. For a decade, its strategy has been to provide the canvas, then let developers paint it however they want. That’s because there’ll always be another game. Another app. Another…selfie filter? Read More ...

Facebook’s next big platform: Your camera

 The hot trend in consumer social networking has progressed from text update sharing to gaming to one-off utilities to basic photo sharing to now, when content creativity apps have taken the spotlight. People are tired of sharing the same old picture of their face, food, or sunset. They want tools that help them make and share something unique. Hence, the rise Dubsmash and Musical.ly for… Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/2aZqpeq Facebook’s next big platform: Your camera Josh Constine http://ift.tt/2aNwlE5 via IFT...

You don’t need a Google+ profile to post reviews on Play Store anymore

 The Google Play Store will not require you to have a Google+ account to write reviews anymore. In an email to TechCrunch, Google confirmed the news that “a G+ profile is no longer needed to post a review.” Rumors that the change was happening were first reported by Android Police, which quoted several tips from its readers. As of today, the roll out appears to be continuing. Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/2bcWw8a You don’t need a Google+ profile to post reviews on Play Store anymore Lucia Maffei http://ift.tt/2aZm3UB via...

Microsoft Flow, the company’s IFTTT competitor, comes to Android

{rss:content:encoded} Microsoft Flow, the company’s IFTTT competitor, comes to Android http://ift.tt/2aQVinS http://ift.tt/2aQVfbN August 12, 2016 at 07:20PM  Microsoft Flow, the company’s workflow management tool, has now arrived on Android. The app, a competitor of sorts of IFTTT and Zapier, offers an interface where you can mash up two or more services in order to create workflows – like getting a text when you receive an important email, or copying images from Instagram to Dropbox, saving a Twitter search to an Excel file, among…...

How Bon Entendeur mixed French sound bites with electronic music and thrived on SoundCloud

 Bon Entendeur is Nicolas Boisseleau, Arnaud Bonet and Pierre Della Monica (left to right on the photo), three friends who started releasing a mxitape on SoundCloud every month. They quickly realized that the music project had some potential and dedicated a lot of energy into making it an internet success. They just released a new mixtape last week. It brings together the voice of famous… Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/2blOOtQ How Bon Entendeur mixed French sound bites with electronic music and thrived on SoundCloud Romain...

7Sensors Grow Box will automatically care for your plants, from produce to pot

 Everyone loves a good plant in their home, but few have the time and dedication to keep it healthy over the course of the year. Changing temperatures and humidity levels paired with vacations or business trips can limit the variety of plant-life that most people can sustain in their homes. That’s where the Grow Box comes in. Developed by former Apple engineer Andrew Pletenetskyy, the… Read More http://ift.tt/2blqpUY 7Sensors Grow Box will automatically care for your plants, from produce to pot http://ift.tt/2bnl4...

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Blendle clocks up 1M signups for its pay-per-article journalism platform

 Pay-per-article journalism startup Blendle, which aggregates the written work of different publishers onto a single, ad-free platform where readers can pick and choose which stories to consume, paying a few cents per article, is touting passing one million registered users. Read More http://ift.tt/2blt96O Blendle clocks up 1M signups for its pay-per-article journalism platform http://ift.tt/2aNDh...

How digital has redefined go-to-market strategy

 By using technology and finding the right collaborations, companies can disrupt new markets, solve customer pain points and distribute value across the chain. Here are the top four marketing principles of today’s disruptors. Read More http://ift.tt/2aQ3alB How digital has redefined go-to-market strategy http://ift.tt/2blDk...

Facebook will soon update code to nullify AdBlock Plus’ workaround

{rss:content:encoded} Facebook will soon update code to nullify AdBlock Plus’ workaround http://ift.tt/2blhk1M http://ift.tt/1TEgeva August 12, 2016 at 12:58AM  Today’s AdBlock Plus workaround to Facebook’s adblock bypass ham-handedly removes posts from friends and Pages, not just ads, according to a statement provided by Facebook to TechCrunch. “We’re disappointed that ad blocking companies are punishing people on Facebook as these new attempts don’t just block ads but also posts from friends and Pages. This isn’t… Read More ...

Facebook will soon update code to nullify AdBlock Plus’ workaround

 Today’s AdBlock Plus workaround to Facebook’s adblock bypass ham-handedly removes posts from friends and Pages, not just ads, according to a statement provided by Facebook to TechCrunch. “We’re disappointed that ad blocking companies are punishing people on Facebook as these new attempts don’t just block ads but also posts from friends and Pages. This isn’t… Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/1TEgeva Facebook will soon update code to nullify AdBlock Plus’ workaround Josh Constine http://ift.tt/2blhk1M via IFT...

Simplenote, the planet’s most useful piece of software, is now open source on iOS, macOS, and Android

{rss:content:encoded} Simplenote, the planet’s most useful piece of software, is now open source on iOS, macOS, and Android http://ift.tt/2aOPmZr http://ift.tt/2b9B9oi August 11, 2016 at 11:59PM  If you’re not using Simplenote, you’re missing out. This… well, simple note app has been a standby and lifesaver for me for years, though occasionally I have worried about its future: will it survive if Automattic, which bought it back in 2013, goes under or gets bought itself? What if the servers go down? Is there a god, and if so, does he or she...

Morrissey thinks his gory new anti-meat mobile game is more important than ‘Pokemon Go’

{rss:content:encoded} Morrissey thinks his gory new anti-meat mobile game is more important than ‘Pokemon Go’ http://ift.tt/2bm0ATZ http://ift.tt/2b9vfX1 August 11, 2016 at 11:00PM  Songster and perpetual master of subtlety Morrissey has teamed up with pals at PETA to produce This Beautiful Creature Must Die, a mobile and desktop browser-based app that turns saving cuddly 8-bit farm animals from a gruesome death into a fun, Tetris-like puzzle game. Morrissey believes his bloody new anti-meat mobile game is more important than...

Deliveroo drivers hold protest in London over possible changes to the way they are paid

 Just days after Deliveroo, a popular on-demand restaurant food delivery startup in Europe, announced that it had raised another $275 million in funding, a number of the startup’s self-employed couriers in London have been holding a protest over possible changes to the way they are paid. Read More http://ift.tt/1kQEz3w Deliveroo drivers hold protest in London over possible changes to the way they are paid http://ift.tt/2b0kl...

Advice for Snapchat from the world’s first Pokémon Go master

 Snapchat has decided it’s time to make money. The company recently launched a massive expansion of its advertising, as well as an API that will make it easier for advertisers to buy ads. Given Snapchat’s aspirations to go public, turning on the money spigot is a necessity. But for a company that prides itself on constantly innovating, Snapchat’s monetization plans are… Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/2aN2Ule Advice for Snapchat from the world’s first Pokémon Go master Nick Johnson http://ift.tt/2aOAryG via IFT...

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