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Saturday, June 18, 2016

Only in Norway: Fish food company wins startup pitch competition

 Imagine for a moment that you are a tech journalist. You’re traveling to Norway, a country dear to your heart, and you really want to come back reporting positive news about the startup scene there. You are invited, among other things, to the final round of a pitch competition. The winning company, MiniPro, doesn’t have an internet presence. At all. Its product? Baby food for… Read More http://ift.tt/1UChuQh Only in Norway: Fish food company wins startup pitch competition http://ift.tt/1UoOI...

Friday, June 17, 2016

Snapchat funds ‘Real Life’ internet magazine examining tech and modern life

 If you’ve been aching for some high-minded chatter on the topic of how we, as social animals living in a postmodern society, interact with and are affected by social media and technology, you’re in luck. Snapchat is funding a site called ‘Real Life’ on which just such chatter will be published. Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/1sKolfZ Snapchat funds ‘Real Life’ internet magazine examining tech and modern life Devin Coldewey http://ift.tt/1W4diKc via IFT...

HeyMarket, mobile CRM for text messaging, stops you from drunk texting your customers

{rss:content:encoded} HeyMarket, mobile CRM for text messaging, stops you from drunk texting your customers http://ift.tt/1ZWXaJu http://ift.tt/28L7evc June 17, 2016 at 09:51PM  Like most stories worth telling, this one begins with bad time management. The day I was set to fly out to San Francisco, I was on the road with a friend driving to Chapel Hill from Chicago. By the time I got back, I had just under an hour to pack for my new home. I got to the airport 20 minutes before my flight and clutched a miracle. Unfortunately, my checked bag...

Startups and immigration: Myths, lies and half-truths

 Immigrants play a significant role in job creation, entrepreneurship and the startup ecosystem in the U.S. However, the U.S. has a strict immigration policy and has yet to pass the bill for the “startup visa.” For entrepreneurs determined to stay in the U.S. to create or work at a startup, it’s important to learn about the myths, lies and half-truths about startups and… Read More http://ift.tt/1Q0w5za Startups and immigration: Myths, lies and half-truths http://ift.tt/1Ugu7...

HeyMarket, mobile CRM for text messaging, stops you from drunk texting your customers

 Like most stories worth telling, this one begins with bad time management. The day I was set to fly out to San Francisco, I was on the road with a friend driving to Chapel Hill from Chicago. By the time I got back, I had just under an hour to pack for my new home. I got to the airport 20 minutes before my flight and clutched a miracle. Unfortunately, my checked bag was not as lucky. Read More http://ift.tt/28L7evc HeyMarket, mobile CRM for text messaging, stops you from drunk texting your customers http://ift.tt/1ZWXa...

Nintendo talks mobile gaming, VR and its future at E3

{rss:content:encoded} Nintendo talks mobile gaming, VR and its future at E3 http://ift.tt/1OuKOHM http://ift.tt/1V2gnoO June 17, 2016 at 09:33PM  Nintendo has never been afraid to go against the grain of prevailing industry trends. In fact, the refusal to follow the pack has become a defining aspect of the gaming giant’s business strategy during the ascendance of chief console competitors Sony and Microsoft. So it comes as no surprise, really, that it did something markedly different at this year’s E3 show. But just how… Read More ...

Domino’s backs out of free pizza promotion with T-Mobile due to higher-than-expected demand

{rss:content:encoded} Domino’s backs out of free pizza promotion with T-Mobile due to higher-than-expected demand http://ift.tt/28KqzN8 http://ift.tt/1UnjNp1 June 17, 2016 at 05:29PM  T-Mobile’s latest “un-carrier” move — an attempt to reward its customers with freebies offered via an app called T-Mobile Tuesdays — has been just a bit too popular. Demand for the app and its various promotions was so high that the app crashed under the influx of customers right out of the gate. And now, one of the best deals it offered — free… Read More ...

Apple ordered to stop selling two iPhone models in China

{rss:content:encoded} Apple ordered to stop selling two iPhone models in China http://ift.tt/21quGsb http://ift.tt/1XttG7T June 17, 2016 at 03:58PM  A Beijing court has ordered Apple to stop selling the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus in the city, having ruled that the phone’s design is too similar to a Chinese brand. The infringement claims were brought against Apple by Shenzhen Baili for its 100C smartphone, says the Beijing Intellectual Property Bureau. Apple can still appeal the decision. The financial impact of the ruling is unclear. As… Read...

Favor shutters service in five big cities, focuses on second-tier markets

 Favor, the Postmates-esque on-demand logistics company that launched out of Austin in 2013, has today announced that it will shutter service in five U.S. cities: Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Miami, and Washington DC. Before this announcement, Favor was operational in 23 cities including Toronto, CA, so this takes the company down to 18 markets. Here’s what Jag Bath, Favor CEO, had to… Read More http://ift.tt/23gtyZw Favor shutters service in five big cities, focuses on second-tier markets http://ift.tt/1sJKd...

The evolution of the mobile payment

{rss:content:encoded} The evolution of the mobile payment http://ift.tt/1S97S9G http://ift.tt/1bag77M June 17, 2016 at 04:00PM  It’s anticipated that there will be more than 4.8 billion individuals using a mobile phone by the end of 2016. Because of this enormous growth, we can expect to see the mobile payments industry and startups in the space evolve to meet the growing demands of users. To understand how big this industry is going to be, you need to understand the history of mobile payments and their… Read More ...

Reminder: Get your applications in for our Berlin Meet Up + Pitch Off!

 TechCrunch will be heading to Berlin next month for a Meet Up + Pitch up taking place in the evening of July 14 — but applications to pitch at the event close on June 23 so startups this is your timely reminder to fill in this form if you want to be considered to pitch on stage. Read More http://ift.tt/1PryHeS Reminder: Get your applications in for our Berlin Meet Up + Pitch Off! http://ift.tt/24VxT...

He wrote about clickbait but what happened next will stun you

 As we roll merrily into the future of media it’s time to define some terms. I spoke to a number of folks over the past few weeks about the Gawker case as well as the future of journalism and have come away with some interesting information regarding the disconnect between readers and writers and the general concept of clickbait. I’d like to clear a few things up. You did this… Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/1W375y1 He wrote about clickbait but what happened next will stun you John Biggs http://ift.tt/1ZVOjYq via IFT...

PinMeTo lets national brands automate updates to local Facebook pages

 Malmö, Sweden-based PinMeTo is a location marketing platform launching a nifty new feature today that aims to make it infinitely easier for major brands to maintain a local presence on Facebook by somewhat automating the creation and updating of multiple local Facebook pages. Read More http://ift.tt/1Ywx69f PinMeTo lets national brands automate updates to local Facebook pages http://ift.tt/1Xt2M...

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Why most of London’s tech sector believes Brexit will prove a disaster

 A decision over the U.K.’s future membership in the European Union is now just days away, with latest polls indicating a race to the wire. In London’s tech and startup sector, however, few divisions apparently exist. Many in the industry were quick to coalesce around vocal opposition to “Brexit.” Read More http://ift.tt/1XYLuZB Why most of London’s tech sector believes Brexit will prove a disaster http://ift.tt/1Px6g...

Liftoff delivers personalized ads that are designed to drive actions, not installs

{rss:content:encoded} Liftoff delivers personalized ads that are designed to drive actions, not installs http://ift.tt/1Otcv3Q http://ift.tt/1UBLAzd June 17, 2016 at 12:40AM  Mobile marketing startup Liftoff pitches itself as a way for mobile advertisers to focus on what really matters — not installs, but rather purchases and other actions that result in revenue. It’s not a unique idea. After all, we’re seeing more platforms adopting ads designed for re-engagement — in fact, the format is supposed to be included as part of Apple’s… Read More ...

Peer-to-peer dress rental startup Curtsy lets you rent the wardrobes of “fashionistas near you”

 Consider yourself stylish? Those with good taste and a wardrobe to match could find themselves getting richer for it with a new peer-to-peer clothing rental platform from Y Combinator’s latest batch. Called Curtsy, the startup began when one University of Mississippi sorority sister realized she could earn a living by renting out her closet full of dresses to the rest of Greek row. Curtsy… Read More http://ift.tt/1UbVCYg Peer-to-peer dress rental startup Curtsy lets you rent the wardrobes of “fashionistas near you” http://ift.tt/1URiQ...

Liftoff delivers personalized ads that are designed to drive actions, not installs

 Mobile marketing startup Liftoff pitches itself as a way for mobile advertisers to focus on what really matters — not installs, but rather purchases and other actions that result in revenue. It’s not a unique idea. After all, we’re seeing more platforms adopting ads designed for re-engagement — in fact, the format is supposed to be included as part of Apple’s… Read More http://ift.tt/1UBLAzd Liftoff delivers personalized ads that are designed to drive actions, not installs http://ift.tt/1Otcv...

Heads up Twitch, Facebook just hired gamer Snoopeh for its eSports division

 459,000 years. That’s how long Twitch users spent watching other people play video games last year, and Facebook wants a piece of the pie. It might sound weird, but eSports are wildly popular, and Facebook is getting serious about owning those video views. A source tipped us off that Facebook has hired eSports super-connector and former professional gamer Stephen “Snoopeh”… Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/1UYlS7X Heads up Twitch, Facebook just hired gamer Snoopeh for its eSports division Josh Constine http://ift.tt/1XsiMzq via...

A device called the Remo spots a market for automating wall mount air conditioners

{rss:content:encoded} A device called the Remo spots a market for automating wall mount air conditioners http://ift.tt/1sIkKiB http://ift.tt/1UbHcYf June 16, 2016 at 10:43PM  I’m usually cautious about Kickstarter campaigns, but when the data looks right I’m encouraged to peer deeper. Haruumi Shiode reached out to me with his CleanTech concept for a product called the Remo (which remotely controls wall unit air conditioners), and I have to admit the numbers looked interesting even though this is a business model I would have never considered....

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