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Saturday, April 15, 2017

A new on-demand battle is speeding toward the US, and VCs are seeing dollar signs

 The battle isn’t over car sharing. It’s not over bus sharing, either, though that, too, is a growing focus for investors and automotive companies that are desperate to understand how cities and transportation are changing. This clash is over the latest wrinkle in urban bike-sharing – dockless bike sharing. And it has founders and VCs around the globe seeing dollar signs,… Read More http://ift.tt/2aPVlLl A new on-demand battle is speeding toward the US, and VCs are seeing dollar signs http://ift.tt/2pnfg...

A conversation about digital copyright reform

 The European Union is in the process of reforming copyright laws that date back to 2001, as part of a wider strategy to establish a Digital Single Market across the 28 Member States of the bloc, aiming to break down regional barriers to ecommerce. Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/2oKt9mM A conversation about digital copyright reform Natasha Lomas http://ift.tt/2pCUBjJ via IFT...

A conversation about digital copyright reform

 The European Union is in the process of reforming copyright laws that date back to 2001, as part of a wider strategy to establish a Digital Single Market across the 28 Member States of the bloc, aiming to break down regional barriers to ecommerce. Read More http://ift.tt/2oKt9mM A conversation about digital copyright reform http://ift.tt/2pCUB...

Friday, April 14, 2017

Short film ‘The Moderators’ takes a look at the thankless job of patrolling the web

 If you have 20 minutes to spare before you begin your weekend — or after, for that matter — you might enjoy this short film about a small team of content moderators in India. Thousands of such people make sure you don’t come across gore and porn while on social or dating sites, so the least you can do is see what their job is like! Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/2oA68Ti Short film ‘The Moderators’ takes a look at the thankless job of patrolling the web Devin Coldewey http://ift.tt/2pk08w9 via IFT...

LeEco pulls the plug on its EcoPass video service as stories of US struggles mount

{rss:content:encoded} LeEco pulls the plug on its EcoPass video service as stories of US struggles mount http://ift.tt/2pjFLix http://ift.tt/2asVjh6 April 14, 2017 at 10:54PM  LeEco’s coming to America tale has been fraught with one bad piece of press after another. The company added to the laundry list this week by announcing that it formally pulled the plug on its EcoPass content package earlier this month. Read More ...

Facebook announces victory over a spam operation after six months of combat

 Facebook proudly announced today that it has — it thinks — put an end to the nefarious doings of a “sophisticated,” “coordinated operation” that has been spamming the site for the last six months. Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/2oi8ynb Facebook announces victory over a spam operation after six months of combat Devin Coldewey http://ift.tt/2ovAioZ via IFT...

Can podcasting save the world?

{rss:content:encoded} Can podcasting save the world? http://ift.tt/2oI5SC1 http://ift.tt/1PhSxH4 April 14, 2017 at 09:24PM  As writers resort to attention-getting headlines to maintain readership it’s clear that the educated, mobile, and bored reader is now turning into a listener. While written news continues to flood us from every conceivable angle there is one small, quiet voice still speaking to us from our earbuds: the podcaster speaking truth to power, bullshitting about movies, or spinning long… Read More ...

Robot tutor Musio makes its retail debut in Japan

 A cute, robotic language tutor called Musio, has made it from crowdfunding campaign to full-fledged product with a debut in stores this week in Japan. Priced at JPY 98,000 (about USD $900), Musio is now sold online through Softbank’s marketplace and Amazon Japan, and through handful of brick-and-mortars stores. Musio’s parent company, AI venture AKAStudy, is the latest startup… Read More http://ift.tt/2pfQu0r Robot tutor Musio makes its retail debut in Japan http://ift.tt/2pj8q...

Can podcasting save the world?

 As writers resort to attention-getting headlines to maintain readership it’s clear that the educated, mobile, and bored reader is now turning into a listener. While written news continues to flood us from every conceivable angle there is one small, quiet voice still speaking to us from our earbuds: the podcaster speaking truth to power, bullshitting about movies, or spinning long… Read More http://ift.tt/1PhSxH4 Can podcasting save the world? http://ift.tt/2oI5S...

Google’s parental control software Family Link hits iOS

{rss:content:encoded} Google’s parental control software Family Link hits iOS http://ift.tt/2ouHDoD http://ift.tt/2mv77k3 April 14, 2017 at 06:39PM  In March, Google introduced its own parental control software for parents of kids with Android devices called Family Link – but there was a bit of a catch. In order for the system to work, it required that both parent and child use Android. That has now changed, as the parents’ app for configuring and monitoring the child’s device usage has just arrived on iOS devices. That… Read More ...

Let’s Watch It! allows friends to watch & react to videos together on iMessage

{rss:content:encoded} Let’s Watch It! allows friends to watch & react to videos together on iMessage http://ift.tt/2pexDTp http://ift.tt/2phIh9j April 14, 2017 at 04:39PM  A new application for iMessage called “Let’s Watch It!” introduces an easy way for you to share and watch YouTube or Twitch videos with friends to watch together, as well as react to them, and even voice or video chat while viewing. The iMessage App Store doesn’t yet have a lot of breakout hits at this point, but group video chatting seems to be an exception. Last...

Let’s Watch It! allows friends to watch & react to videos together on iMessage

 A new application for iMessage called “Let’s Watch It!” introduces an easy way for you to share and watch YouTube or Twitch videos with friends to watch together, as well as react to them, and even voice or video chat while viewing. The iMessage App Store doesn’t yet have a lot of breakout hits at this point, but group video chatting seems to be an exception. Last month,… Read More http://ift.tt/2phIh9j Let’s Watch It! allows friends to watch & react to videos together on iMessage http://ift.tt/2pexD...

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Female Marines group appeals to Sheryl Sandberg to fix Facebook’s revenge porn problem

 A group of Marines is demanding that Facebook get a grip on the systemic harassment that plagues its female servicemembers. In a thorough, thoughtfully articulated letter, veteran and Not in My Marine Corps co-founder Erin Kirk-Cuomo calls for Sheryl Sandberg to take a personal interest in fighting the spread of nonconsensual photo sharing and gendered harassment on Facebook. Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/2oxbM8L Female Marines group appeals to Sheryl Sandberg to fix Facebook’s revenge porn problem Taylor Hatmaker http://ift.tt/2pfnq6u via...

Baidu is acquiring xPerception, a U.S. startup focused on computer vision

 Baidu is acquiring xPerception, a US startup specialized in computer vision, according to Reuters. Details are sparse, but we know the startup has its own module for object recognition and depth perception that can be deployed on robots and drones. The Chinese tech giant has been active in machine intelligence M&A this year. Back in February it acquired Raven Tech, a Chinese startup… Read More http://ift.tt/2p1JT9Y Baidu is acquiring xPerception, a U.S. startup focused on computer vision http://ift.tt/2os4u...

Purple, a Utah mattress startup you’ve probably never heard of, is on track to unicorndom

 Nearly a thousand miles away from Silicon Valley and just west of Utah’s Great Salt Lake, in practically the middle of nowhere, is the tranquil cow town of Grantsville, population 9,617. It is there, in a warehouse the size of a combined eight Walmarts, you’ll find Purple, a direct-to-consumer mattress startup, hard at work prepping hundreds of thousands of pillows, power bases and… Read More http://ift.tt/2pyXty9 Purple, a Utah mattress startup you’ve probably never heard of, is on track to unicorndom http://ift.tt/2oEpd...

Facebook’s F8 plans include camera effects platform, offline Instagram

 What will Facebook launch next week at its F8 conference? The schedule reveals plans to give Instagram offline features that are already in testing, opening its Camera Effects Platform to developers so they can create more powerful photo and video overlays for people to use, and a Places Graph for developers to do more with Facebook’s location database beyond the existing APIs. Most of… Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/1yrBxB4 Facebook’s F8 plans include camera effects platform, offline Instagram Josh Constine http://ift.tt/2oa1aKi via...

Facebook’s F8 plans include camera effects platform, offline Instagram

{rss:content:encoded} Facebook’s F8 plans include camera effects platform, offline Instagram http://ift.tt/2oa1aKi http://ift.tt/1yrBxB4 April 13, 2017 at 09:05PM  What will Facebook launch next week at its F8 conference? The schedule reveals plans to give Instagram offline features that are already in testing, opening its Camera Effects Platform to developers so they can create more powerful photo and video overlays for people to use, and a Places Graph for developers to do more with Facebook’s location database beyond the existing APIs....

Google Aero is a new app for ordering food or home services in India

{rss:content:encoded} Google Aero is a new app for ordering food or home services in India http://ift.tt/2p1lMs2 http://ift.tt/2nJG3SN April 13, 2017 at 08:59PM  Google is getting into the restaurant delivery and home services businesses – nope, not in the U.S., but rather in parts of India. The company has quietly launched a new app called Areo which currently only works in Bangalore and Mumbai, India, allowing users to order meals from nearby restaurants or schedule appointments with local service professionals, including electricians,…...

15 venture capital funds to know if you’re working on a machine intelligence startup

 Major tech trends tend to draw lots of “dumb money” from investors, and machine intelligence is no exception. Some will lose money on insignificant acqui-hires while others may survive long enough to see their investments die at the hands of open source. But for a smaller list of VCs, machine intelligence presents one of the greatest opportunities for return on investment in the… Read More http://ift.tt/1zR2t5g 15 venture capital funds to know if you’re working on a machine intelligence startup http://ift.tt/2ow2r...

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