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Saturday, June 6, 2015

Producing Unicorns In The Land Of Fútbol, Samba And El Dorado

 There was a time, not very long ago when Latinos living in the U.S. could only point to two successful Internet/software startups in their countries of origin: Mercado Libre and Despegar/Decolar. While these companies were very successful, it was difficult for us to explain why no other startups in Latin America had flourished. Read More http://ift.tt/1H2OFVW Producing Unicorns In The Land Of Fútbol, Samba And El Dorado http://ift.tt/1GsdR...

Tech Blog Preps Crowdfunding Campaign To “Bring ReadWrite Back”

 Fans of tech blog ReadWrite got a grim message last week. A new page is asking them to “Bring ReadWrite Back,” and it declares, “To be completely frank, we’re struggling — and not just financially.” This is actually the latest iteration of ReadWrite’s crowdfunding campaign. Or, to be more precise, it’s the run-up to a campaign that’s… Read More http://ift.tt/1AVbPNv Tech Blog Preps Crowdfunding Campaign To “Bring ReadWrite Back” http://ift.tt/1GgEm...

Why Moore’s Law May Mean Success, Or Death, For Your Startup

 Amid talk of the 50th anniversary of Moore’s Law, one may be tempted to ask: so what? Three years before co-founding Intel, Gordon Moore observed that transistors would decrease in cost and increase in performance at an exponential rate. Moore made his observation in a now-defunct trade rag in April 1965 to… not much fanfare. Most people – including Moore – don’t… Read More http://ift.tt/1Kh85rJ Why Moore’s Law May Mean Success, Or Death, For Your Startup http://ift.tt/1F1CO...

The Year That Was And Will Be In Mobile Payments

{rss:content:encoded} The Year That Was And Will Be In Mobile Payments http://ift.tt/1IjKPHp http://ift.tt/1bag77M June 06, 2015 at 12:00PM  The many success and failures of mobile payments and related solutions witnessed so far brings home a very simple fact-one mobile-based financial solution will not cater to all markets. After all, how can it? The mobile finance space itself is so vast: you have payments, payment-related services and commerce. Read More ...

Friday, June 5, 2015

Annotation Service Genius Rolls Out An API With Instapaper As Its Debut Partner

 Online annotation platform Genius, which originally began as a way to mark up rap lyrics before expanding to support any page on the web, is now making its service – including its collection of annotations and musical metadata – available to third-party developers for use in their own applications. The first partner to take advantage of the new API is Betaworks, which… Read More http://ift.tt/1CfSEsL Annotation Service Genius Rolls Out An API With Instapaper As Its Debut Partner http://ift.tt/1BPS1...

InboxVudu And The Uber That Got Away

 We hear a lot of startup origin stories here at TechCrunch, and sometimes they can blur together. But this one’s is a little different. It’s about Ramesh Haridas, an entrepreneur and angel investor. He’s backed some successful startups, including Rapportive, which was acquired by LinkedIn. What Haridas told me about, however, was the one that got away — namely, Uber. Read More http://ift.tt/1RQy2ke InboxVudu And The Uber That Got Away http://ift.tt/1H9Zk...

This Week On The TC Gadgets Podcast: GoPro, Pebble Time, Amazon Fire, And WWDC!

 Matt is huddled in Vail, Colorado. Why? To hang out with GoPro, as they “throw stuff into pools and dogs chase after it.” But more seriously, GoPro is reportedly unveiling a service that allows you to record something on your GoPro and instantly view/share it on the cloud. Big deal. Meanwhile, we discuss the Pebble Time (Darrell just finished his review), which Mr. Etherington… Read More http://ift.tt/1APlVzV This Week On The TC Gadgets Podcast: GoPro, Pebble Time, Amazon Fire, And WWDC! http://ift.tt/1JwXh...

Here’s What’s Involved In Devising And Building An App

{rss:content:encoded} Here’s What’s Involved In Devising And Building An App http://ift.tt/1Qxbt1r http://ift.tt/1BPkX1m June 05, 2015 at 08:15PM  Building an app isn’t just coming up with an idea and then coding (or finding someone to code it for you). There’s a lot involved in the end-to-end process that you wouldn’t necessarily think about when you’re idly dreaming about making one yourself. Developer David Smith, who created the much-loved Pedometer++, as well as Emoji++, Feed Wrangler and many more, has created… Read More ...

Fresco News Aims To Build A Crowdsourced Network For Breaking News

 If you’ve ever wanted to contribute photos or videos to your local newscast, you might get your chance soon, thanks to a new startup called Fresco News. There have been lots of other experiments in crowdsourced journalism, but CEO John Meyer (pictured above) said Fresco has some key differences. Read More http://ift.tt/1Js6Uqu Fresco News Aims To Build A Crowdsourced Network For Breaking News http://ift.tt/1Gp8y...

Fresco News Aims To Build A Crowdsourced Network For Breaking News

 If you’ve ever wanted to contribute photos or videos to your local newscast, you might get your chance soon, thanks to a new startup called Fresco News. There have been lots of other experiments in crowdsourced journalism, but CEO John Meyer (pictured above) said Fresco has some key differences. Read More from TechCrunch » Social http://ift.tt/1Js6Uqu Fresco News Aims To Build A Crowdsourced Network For Breaking News Anthony Ha http://ift.tt/1eTBmwX via IFT...

Fresco News Aims To Build A Crowdsourced Network For Breaking News

{rss:content:encoded} Fresco News Aims To Build A Crowdsourced Network For Breaking News http://ift.tt/1MbBMJc http://ift.tt/1Js6Uqu June 05, 2015 at 07:55PM  If you’ve ever wanted to contribute photos or videos to your local newscast, you might get your chance soon, thanks to a new startup called Fresco News. There have been lots of other experiments in crowdsourced journalism, but CEO John Meyer (pictured above) said Fresco has some key differences. Read More ...

TC AppleCast 17: WWDC 2015 Preview Extravaganza!

{rss:content:encoded} TC AppleCast 17: WWDC 2015 Preview Extravaganza! http://ift.tt/1KJMx5b http://ift.tt/1Ezluq9 June 05, 2015 at 07:45PM  The Apple WWDC 2015 keynote is just days away, so we discuss what you can expect to see at that special presentation. Basically it’s going to be a whole lotto iOS 9 and OS X 10.11, with a healthy heaping of Apple Watch and Watch OS thrown in. Beyond that, there are probably a few surprises in store. We go into detail about what we expect to see regarding Proactive, Home and HomeKit,… Read More ...

NowThis Media Sees A Big Appetite For Short News Videos, With 200M Views In May

{rss:content:encoded} NowThis Media Sees A Big Appetite For Short News Videos, With 200M Views In May http://ift.tt/1FyCUTm http://ift.tt/1MbrWar June 05, 2015 at 07:00PM  Online video news company NowThis Mediasays it has seen dramatic growth, going from 1 million video views a year ago, to 50 million earlier this year, to 200 million in May. That’s a lot of eyeballs, especially for a startup that’s less than three years old and has a team of 35 people. In fact, Senior Vice President of Strategy and Products Athan Stephanopoulos (who joined...

NowThis Media Sees A Big Appetite For Short News Videos, With 200M Views In May

 Online video news company NowThis Mediasays it has seen dramatic growth, going from 1 million video views a year ago, to 50 million earlier this year, to 200 million in May. That’s a lot of eyeballs, especially for a startup that’s less than three years old and has a team of 35 people. In fact, Senior Vice President of Strategy and Products Athan Stephanopoulos (who joined through… Read More http://ift.tt/1MbrWar NowThis Media Sees A Big Appetite For Short News Videos, With 200M Views In May http://ift.tt/1MtbB...

iHeartRadio Has Grown To 70M Registered Users

{rss:content:encoded} iHeartRadio Has Grown To 70M Registered Users http://ift.tt/1dShQAH http://ift.tt/1wrYTG0 June 05, 2015 at 06:07PM  Services like Pandora, Spotify and whatever Apple is working on tend to get most of the headlines, but iHeartRadio says it has been building a big audience of its own — specifically 70 million registered users. The streaming music service was created by radio giant Clear Channel, which rebranded as iHeartMedia last year. iHeartRadio allows users to listen to live radio stations, as well… Read More ...

What To Expect From Apple’s WWDC 2015

{rss:content:encoded} What To Expect From Apple’s WWDC 2015 http://ift.tt/1Mbbl6t http://ift.tt/1dy7O7F June 05, 2015 at 05:29PM   This year’s kick-off event at WWDC will likely have a developer focus, given the nature of the event, but there will plenty for everyone to pay attention to, especially if you’re a fan of iOS, OS X or the latest new Apple device: The Apple Watch. Here’s a roundup of what’s likely to go down at WWDC this year, along with a few far-out wishes and some cold water for… Read More ...

Skype For Web Beta Now Open To All U.S. And U.K. Users

 Skype’s web-based client, along with both IM and video/audio call functionality, is now available to all users in open beta, the company announced today. The web-based version of the popular chat and calling tool came out at the end of last year, with access gated based on an invite system, but now everyone can join in, so long as you’re residing in the U.S. or U.K. The Skype web… Read More from TechCrunch » Social http://ift.tt/1QbSpek Skype For Web Beta Now Open To All U.S. And U.K. Users Darrell Etherington http://ift.tt/1EZKLYu via ...

On-Demand App Jugnoo Wants To Bring India’s Auto Rickshaws Online

 Auto rickshaws have been a staple in Indian cities for decades. Now a company called Jugnoo wants to make it easy to hail them on smartphones. The Chandigarh-based startup just received $5 million Series A led by Snow Leopard, with participation from Paytm and several returning investors from its angel round. Read More http://ift.tt/1JvpA6U On-Demand App Jugnoo Wants To Bring India’s Auto Rickshaws Online http://ift.tt/1diWT...

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