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Saturday, July 18, 2015

VPN Maker CyberGhost Aims To Grow A Privacy Hub In Eastern Europe

 Earlier this year a London-based cyber security incubator called CyLon opened its doors. Now Europe is getting a pro-privacy bootcamp program, with bootstrapped Romania-based VPN startup CyberGhost this week kicking off a search for startups wanting support to build privacy tech. Read More http://ift.tt/1Li4PhM VPN Maker CyberGhost Aims To Grow A Privacy Hub In Eastern Europe http://ift.tt/1MA7r...

Welcome To The Unicorn Club, 2015: Learning From Billion-Dollar Companies

 It’s been over a year since we wrote our original post sharing our analysis of the last decade’s most successful U.S.-based, venture-backed tech companies. In that piece we focused on the many entrepreneurs and investors who seek to build big, revolutionary companies valued at a billion dollars or more. Read More http://ift.tt/1HAXKVr Welcome To The Unicorn Club, 2015: Learning From Billion-Dollar Companies http://ift.tt/1LhXd...

The Benefits Of Being A Total Zero

 “There are three types of people,” astronaut Chris Hadfield told me. “-1, 0, and +1.” When a business fails it feels like a -1. When a relationship fails, often it’s because I’ve been a -1. Certainly stalking and begging and crying has made me a -1 many times. When I clam up in my shell, refusing to take responsibility, afraid to return calls, afraid to… Read More http://ift.tt/1JoCD6N The Benefits Of Being A Total Zero http://ift.tt/1CNK2...

Friday, July 17, 2015

Twitter’s Mastering The Emoji, But Are They Missing Out On A Gravy Train? 🍗💵💰🍗

 Today’s one of those completely useless internet fake holiday days. It’s World Emoji Day! Anyways, emojis can be serious business, or in the case of Twitter…should be serious business. My colleague Jon Russell pointed out that Twitter might be missing the boat on charging for cool emoji packs like messaging service Line and others do. Twitter is missing a trick not… Read More from TechCrunch » Social http://ift.tt/1LrVVfT Twitter’s Mastering The Emoji, But Are They Missing Out On A Gravy Train? 🍗💵💰🍗 Drew Olanoff http://ift.tt/1HzU8Tr via...

Yahoo Quietly Launches A New “Video Texting” Mobile Messaging App On iTunes

{rss:content:encoded} Yahoo Quietly Launches A New “Video Texting” Mobile Messaging App On iTunes http://ift.tt/1VbRvhO http://ift.tt/1J5RyXI July 17, 2015 at 11:11PM  Yahoo has been rumored to be working on a revamped messenger app for a while now, and it looks like that new app may be taking its first step into the wild. Yahoo has quietly released the next version of its Yahoo Messenger mobile application, which is available under the name “Yahoo Livetext – Video Messenger” in the Hong Kong iTunes App Store. The app went live earlier…...

Meetings That Don’t Suck

 For most of us, and certainly for most of your team, meetings are the least productive part of our day. Yet too many brilliant people are stuck in too many meetings. Meeting cultures begat more meetings, and the downward cycle continues, crippling productivity and crushing psyches. Read More http://ift.tt/1HzLPac Meetings That Don’t Suck http://ift.tt/1OcN4...

Smart Bed Startup Luna Joins Y Combinator, Has Raised $1.3M In Private Funding

 Luna had a successful crowdfunding campaign earlier this year, raising more than $1 million for a mattress cover that adjusts temperature, tracks your sleep and connects to other devices. Now the company is sharing more news. It’s part of the current class of startups at incubator Y Combinator, and it has also raised $1.3 million in funding from private investors — roughly the… Read More http://ift.tt/1uXX0ag Smart Bed Startup Luna Joins Y Combinator, Has Raised $1.3M In Private Funding http://ift.tt/1HzJM...

Homejoy Is Shutting Down At The End Of The Month

 On-demand house cleaning service Homejoy is shutting down, after talks of an acquisition by its biggest competitor and a failure to raise enough money to keep things moving. Read More http://ift.tt/1DlekEB Homejoy Is Shutting Down At The End Of The Month http://ift.tt/1CMHS...

Employees Wise Up

 This week, a Bay Area founder was taken aback when an engineer being recruited by his startup asked for both its cap table and information regarding the liquidation preferences of its venture backers. The candidate presumably “worked somewhere where he discovered that these things matter,” says the founder, who asked not to be named in this story. Read More http://ift.tt/1fQx0r5 Employees Wise Up http://ift.tt/1Vb4y...

UrbanStems Delivers Happiness (Well, Flowers) On Demand

 UrbanStems, an on-demand flower delivery startup, is expanding to Brooklyn with the promise to deliver fresh bouquets of flowers, starting at $35, within two hours of ordering. The company launched in D.C. last year, the week of Valentine’s Day, and expanded to Manhattan in December. Read More http://ift.tt/1RE48Db UrbanStems Delivers Happiness (Well, Flowers) On Demand http://ift.tt/1SrWr...

ShoCard Raises $1.5 Million For Its Digital Identity Card On The Blockchain

 What if you could get rid of your driver’s license? We’re not there yet, but ShoCard just raised $1.5 million from Morado Ventures Partners, AME Cloud Ventures, Enspire Capital and Digital Currency Group to do just that. Read More http://ift.tt/1LqQApm ShoCard Raises $1.5 Million For Its Digital Identity Card On The Blockchain http://ift.tt/1GqEF...

With $1.5 Million In Seed, CredSimple Verifies That Doctors Are Legit

 CredSimple, a startup building a medical credentialing database, has raised $1.5 million in seed funding to help healthcare and insurance companies manage their doctor networks. Bowery Capital led the round, with participation from Primary Venture Partners and a handful of angels. Read More http://ift.tt/1CGSnoS With $1.5 Million In Seed, CredSimple Verifies That Doctors Are Legit http://ift.tt/1J571...

Afrostream Is Netflix For African And African-American Movies

 Streaming services like Netflix are great, but you often end up watching the same blockbuster movies showing how a white man will save the world. Meet Afrostream, a niche movie streaming service that features African and African-American content. Launching in September, this startup may have found a great underserved segment. Read More http://ift.tt/1GquuwD Afrostream Is Netflix For African And African-American Movies http://ift.tt/1J4VO...

Watch Site Chrono24 Raises €21 Million To Build An Horological Juggernaut

 Because there exist only two kinds of watches – Apple Watches and all others – Chrono24 is addressing a pretty big market: high-end collectors of mechanical timepieces. The watch consignment and sales site just raised €21 million from Insight Ventures to open new offices in New York and Hong Kong and have even added a new feature called Trusted Checkout, a system that… Read More http://ift.tt/1EBdsOu Watch Site Chrono24 Raises €21 Million To Build An Horological Juggernaut http://ift.tt/1MxZc...

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Good St. Makes It Easy For Startups (And Other Businesses) To Support Charities

 Good St. bills itself as a way to change the world “one quarter at a time,” and now it’s offering a way to do that as a company. When you sign-up for Good St., you’re committing to donate as little as 25 cents each day. Then you’ll get a daily email describing two charities chosen by the Good St. team, and you can vote for the organization that you want to support. Read More http://ift.tt/1MdK5rB Good St. Makes It Easy For Startups (And Other Businesses) To Support Charities http://ift.tt/1I6Y2...

Groupon Acquires OrderUp Food Delivery Service

 Groupon appears to be readying itself to expand into food delivery and take on services like GrubHub. Today, the company announced its acquisition of food-delivery service OrderUp and detailed its plans to expand into the $70 billion sector. Read More http://ift.tt/1zyT1vQ Groupon Acquires OrderUp Food Delivery Service http://ift.tt/1RCjT...

This Post Is A Secret So Shhh…

 Don’t tell my bosses, who much prefer me to write scoops and shit, but my favorite part of my job is hosting the TechCrunch Meetups in various cities across the country. And don’t tell all the people I work with who are from San Francisco, but my favorite city in the world is the one I live in, New York City. Normally I’m pretty good at keeping secrets. My job depends on it.… Read More http://ift.tt/1OhS4lw This Post Is A Secret So Shhh… http://ift.tt/1Kbid...

The Apple Watch Is Now A Hulu Remote Control

{rss:content:encoded} The Apple Watch Is Now A Hulu Remote Control http://ift.tt/1HSbPed http://ift.tt/1LnmvXB July 16, 2015 at 09:19PM  A number of mobile app publishers are still trying to figure out their strategies related to Apple’s first wearable device, the Apple Watch. While many opt for background apps that push relevant information when needed, Hulu’s entry into the Apple Watch space instead sees the company turning the Apple Watch into a remote control that lets you control video playback across a number… Read More ...

What Should Reddit Do? We Asked Kevin Rose And Other Community Founders

 Depending on your perspective, Reddit’s either in a pickle — or it’s a billowing garbage fire. Leave the most horrible content up and it will continue to facilitate hatred while seeing bad press, spooked advertisers, and disgusted users fleeing the site. Ban it and move away from the free speech many thought Reddit stood for, and it could see an exodus of hardcore users and… Read More http://ift.tt/1Lnc46o What Should Reddit Do? We Asked Kevin Rose And Other Community Founders http://ift.tt/1Hxsx...

What Should Reddit Do? We Asked Kevin Rose And Other Community Founders

 Depending on your perspective, Reddit’s either in a pickle — or it’s a billowing garbage fire. Leave the most horrible content up and it will continue to facilitate hatred while seeing bad press, spooked advertisers, and disgusted users fleeing the site. Ban it and move away from the free speech many thought Reddit stood for, and it could see an exodus of hardcore users and… Read More from TechCrunch » Social http://ift.tt/1Lnc46o What Should Reddit Do? We Asked Kevin Rose And Other Community Founders Josh Constine http://ift.tt/1V7UoQF via...

Local Discovery App Yeti Acquired By Private Investors, Undergoes Leadership Changes

 Yeti, the so-called Tinder for places, has just been acquired by a group of private investors, according to the company. Yeti’s CEO and co-founder, Alex Capecelatro, will be shifting his focus to a new venture, but will continue to work with the company as a strategic adviser. Andy Mazzarella, a serial entrepreneur with 30 years of experience in tech and finance, will be taking over… Read More http://ift.tt/1uBlCzL Local Discovery App Yeti Acquired By Private Investors, Undergoes Leadership Changes http://ift.tt/1K9wV...

Handy Expands Into Furniture Delivery, Assembly (And Shopping) For A Flat Fee Starting At $49

 There’s been some significant consolidation among the rush of on-demand cleaning and home services startups. Now one of the companies vying to end up on the top of the heap is expanding into a new category. Handy — the New York-based home services startup is active in 28 cities and has raised $64 million — is launching Handy Delivery, a delivery and assembly service,… Read More http://ift.tt/1HRN4i6 Handy Expands Into Furniture Delivery, Assembly (And Shopping) For A Flat Fee Starting At $49 http://ift.tt/1J2Rc...

Twitter Loses Another Exec, This Time Shedding Its Head Of Comms Gabriel Stricker

 After joining Twitter 3 years ago to run its communications team, former Googler Gabriel Stricker has stepped down from the position. There’s no word on whether he left on his own, was pushed out…or both, which tends to happen in high profile changes like this. Fittingly, Stricker “replied” to his original tweet about joining the company with his goodbye: Thank you… Read More from TechCrunch » Social http://ift.tt/1f81FiA Twitter Loses Another Exec, This Time Shedding Its Head Of Comms Gabriel Stricker Drew Olanoff http://ift.tt/1CJHjHe via...

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