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Saturday, June 25, 2016

The hungry consumer and the software pivot

 The internet has become a lonely space, and consumers are hungry for something new. We don’t talk much anymore about new processors, video cards and faster dialup modems — at least not like we used to. The technology industry, specifically the internet, continues to become further standardized and isolating, which makes it harder for new players to get an edge. Read More http://ift.tt/28V8TGT The hungry consumer and the software pivot http://ift.tt/28VCQ...

You can help stop human trafficking with the TraffickCam app

{rss:content:encoded} You can help stop human trafficking with the TraffickCam app http://ift.tt/28Y58lQ http://ift.tt/28YV38Z June 25, 2016 at 05:37PM  TraffickCam is an app developed by the Exchange Initiative, an organization fighting back against sex trafficking. The goal of the new app is to build a national database of photos of the insides of hotel rooms to help law enforcement match images posted by sex traffickers to locations. The app will also be useful to help locate victims — and the people who put them in their predicament. Read...

Friday, June 24, 2016

What UK startups make of the shock Brexit vote

 Shock, disbelief and disappointment were common sentiments echoed by the startups TechCrunch spoke to, many of who had scrambled emergency meetings this morning to consider their immediate steps in the face of a seismic shift in the political and economic landscape of both the UK and the European region as a whole. Read More http://ift.tt/28S9jKP What UK startups make of the shock Brexit vote http://ift.tt/28YJm...

A running tab of what tech people think about whether we’re living in a simulation

 Are we living in a simulation? For whatever reason, this is a hot topic in Silicon Valley these days. It all more or less started when Tesla Motors CEO (and soon to be SolarCity CEO — check one off for the simulation argument there) Elon Musk made a claim at the Code Conference that there’s such a high chance that we’re living in a simulation that it’s more likely we… Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/1P7P2ja A running tab of what tech people think about whether we’re living in a simulation Matthew Lynley http://ift.tt/28YcFjD via...

A running tab of what tech people think about whether we’re living in a simulation

 Are we living in a simulation? For whatever reason, this is a hot topic in Silicon Valley these days. It all more or less started when Tesla Motors CEO (and soon to be SolarCity CEO — check one off for the simulation argument there) Elon Musk made a claim at the Code Conference that there’s such a high chance that we’re living in a simulation that it’s more likely we… Read More http://ift.tt/1P7P2ja A running tab of what tech people think about whether we’re living in a simulation http://ift.tt/28YcF...

YouTube can still win the livestreaming war

{rss:content:encoded} YouTube can still win the livestreaming war http://ift.tt/28RW683 http://ift.tt/294eicX June 24, 2016 at 04:32PM  YouTube, sounding a little miffed that House representatives were livestreaming their sit-in using Periscope and Facebook Live, reminded its community that it has been offering livestreaming on its site since 2011, “before it was cool,” the company snarked in a series of announcements emerging from this week’s VidCon event. That may be true, but a single-purpose app… Read More ...

Omni Calculator brings math to the masses

{rss:content:encoded} Omni Calculator brings math to the masses http://ift.tt/28SZHSJ http://ift.tt/28QlCti June 24, 2016 at 04:53PM  There are some men who want to watch the the world burn and others who want to offer it easily-customizable embedded calculators. Mateusz Mucha belongs to the latter camp. Mucha is a sociologist by training who has built multiple small startups. His latest project, Omni Calculator, is completely bootstrapped and has three employees building clever calculators for various formulae. BMI… Read More ...

Twitter quietly launches location feeds with Foursquare

 Location feeds could inspire people to tweet more while out and about, fuel Moments about particular places, and improve Twitter’s ad targeting data. Better location functionality could be an important building block for Twitter’s future products and revenue potential. Foursquare is powering precise place identification for the Twitter feature. In exchange it gets prominent… Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/28RRn3L Twitter quietly launches location feeds with Foursquare Josh Constine http://ift.tt/28VnHqS via IFT...

Twitter quietly launches location feeds with Foursquare

{rss:content:encoded} Twitter quietly launches location feeds with Foursquare http://ift.tt/28VnHqS http://ift.tt/28RRn3L June 24, 2016 at 03:35PM  Location feeds could inspire people to tweet more while out and about, fuel Moments about particular places, and improve Twitter’s ad targeting data. Better location functionality could be an important building block for Twitter’s future products and revenue potential. Foursquare is powering precise place identification for the Twitter feature. In exchange it gets prominent… Read More ...

360fly’s new ad is a racist mess. I thought we were better than this.

 What do you do when nobody is paying attention to your shiny new line of cameras? You could put together a campaign that shows how good your tech is and how it is the perfect match to your target audiences. Or you could go the other way, enlisting a Trump impersonator and an inexcusable dollop of stereotypes to try to get the word out. Guess which option 360fly chose. Yeah. Let’s talk… Read More http://ift.tt/28SjlN5 360fly’s new ad is a racist mess. I thought we were better than this. http://ift.tt/28Ush...

The world isn’t ready for only wireless headphones, Apple

{rss:content:encoded} The world isn’t ready for only wireless headphones, Apple http://ift.tt/293fJbL http://ift.tt/28Rm65j June 24, 2016 at 12:25PM  As the rumor mill continues to report that Apple supposedly is doing away with the headphone socket on its next-generation phones (more than 300,000 people already voiced their opinion), I found myself in a series of situations recently that illustrate exactly why the world isn’t quite ready yet… Battery life, ease of use, and restrictions around where they can be used are among… Read More ...

Prisma uses AI to turn your photos into graphic novel fodder double quick

{rss:content:encoded} Prisma uses AI to turn your photos into graphic novel fodder double quick http://ift.tt/28SdLeW http://ift.tt/291haIW June 24, 2016 at 09:00AM  Artists beware! AI is coming for your paintbrush too… A new iOS app, called Prisma, is using deep learning algorithms to turn smartphone photos into stylized artworks based on different artwork/graphical styles. Snap or choose your photo, select an ‘art filter’ to be applied and then wait as the app works its algorithmic magic — returning your…...

Prisma uses AI to turn your photos into graphic novel fodder double quick

 Artists beware! AI is coming for your paintbrush too… A new iOS app, called Prisma, is using deep learning algorithms to turn smartphone photos into stylized artworks based on different artwork/graphical styles. Snap or choose your photo, select an ‘art filter’ to be applied and then wait as the app works its algorithmic magic — returning your… Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/291haIW Prisma uses AI to turn your photos into graphic novel fodder double quick Natasha Lomas http://ift.tt/28SdLeW via...

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Flirtey delivers drugs by drone from ship to shore in New Jersey

 The Jersey Shore is finally famous for something besides fake tanning. A Reno, Nevada-based startup called Flirtey Inc. conducted the first domestic “ship to shore” drone delivery this week along the New Jersey coastline. The company’s proprietary drone is a six-rotor system constructed from carbon fiber, aluminum and 3-d printed components. No, they weren’t… Read More http://ift.tt/28WzEM1 Flirtey delivers drugs by drone from ship to shore in New Jersey http://ift.tt/28UpK...

iZotope, Photoshop for sound, closes another $7.5M in financing

 What does the trailer to Inception, a re-mastered Rolling Stones record, and the podcast Serial all have in common? They’re all awesome. Their creators also all used iZotope products in the background to make them shine. iZotope, started by a group of MIT undergrads in 2001, hustled their way on the competitive music scene by first releasing a free plug-in of a record simulator. Read More http://ift.tt/28TXIAe iZotope, Photoshop for sound, closes another $7.5M in financing http://ift.tt/28RDt...

MassChallenge sets up camp in Switzerland

 Lausanne, a small town in the Western part of Switzerland, has emerged as a surprising melting pot of innovative technology, and the latest feather in the town’s tech nest will be hosting the first Swiss chapter of MassChallenge. A large Boston-based accelerator program that is rapidly expanding across the globe, MassChallenge is a nonprofit and does not take an equity stake in… Read More http://ift.tt/28TLfMS MassChallenge sets up camp in Switzerland http://ift.tt/28TKP...

Facial recognition systems stumble when confronted with million-face database

 We’re all a bit worried about the terrifying surveillance state that becomes possible when you cross omnipresent cameras with reliable facial recognition — but a new study suggests that some of the best algorithms are far from infallible when it comes to sorting through a million or more faces. The University of Washington’s Megaface Challenge is an open competition among… Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/290suF1 Facial recognition systems stumble when confronted with million-face database Devin Coldewey http://ift.tt/28QlX0i via...

Malala Fund Co-founder Shiza Shahid, AngelList partner to back “mission-driven” startups

 During the Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES 2016) at Stanford University today, AngelList, the equity fundraising platform, and activist Shiza Shahid announced a partnership to form a fund called NOW Ventures, that will back what they’re calling “mission-driven” startups. That’s the latest label for businesses that want to make a positive social and environmental… Read More http://ift.tt/28QcnvH Malala Fund Co-founder Shiza Shahid, AngelList partner to back “mission-driven” startups http://ift.tt/28Qhq...

Facebook Live grows up with two-person broadcasts and waiting rooms for viewers

 Today at VidCon Facebook pre-announced three new big product updates for Facebook Live, their live-streaming platform built into Facebook. The platform will soon let you do two-person remote broadcasts, pre-schedule your streams and create a virtual waiting room for viewers and broadcast with MSQRD’s face masks. Broadcast with a friend The first upcoming update is the ability to stream… Read More from Social – TechCrunch http://ift.tt/290jdga Facebook Live grows up with two-person broadcasts and waiting rooms for viewers Fitz Tepper...

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