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Saturday, December 17, 2011

How To Insert Adsense Ads In Blogger Post

This will explain how to Embedd adsense ads in between posts body.
1.Generate Parsed code for adsense code because we cannot put adsense code directly in the xml.So parse it using AdParser.
2.After parsing,your ad code Should look like this.

How To Place ad above or below your post header
log in to your dashboard--> layout- -> Edit HTML
Click on "Expand Widget Template" and  scroll down  to where you see this:-
<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
To place ad above your post header.Paste the code above this line.
To place ad below your post header.Paste the code below this line.
How To Place ad end of your post body

log in to your dashboard--> layout- -> Edit HTML
Click on "Expand Widget Template" and  scroll down  to where you see this:-
Paste the code below this line, to show your ad at the end of your post.
NOTE : To Set the Align of your ad , Insert your code like this.
<p align="center"> Your Ad code

Replace "center" with "left" or "right" for desired alignment.



Hello, thank you. I have a query here: How do I label the Adsense Ad unit (that is to be placed between post title and main content) as "Advertisement" or "Sponsored link" so that TOS won;t be violated? I'll be glad if you would pelase respond. Thanking you in advance

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